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Passing thoughts, and the events, such as they are, of a day, as experienced by a solitary individual.
The relevance of any one seems at best ephemeral.
It seems, to my fevered mind, that their true meaning - I mean interest, really - has at least as much to do with when they occurred, as with what they were. (I have been aware of this, even obsessed with the idea, for quite a long time. I am returning to a favorite thought.)
The thoughts and event occupy relatively short periods of time. It is not that, in the course of an hour, they necessarily follow one upon the other in extremely large numbers, but they each occupy a sufficiently short amount of time that a good number could be noted in that short amount of time. I worry that a representation of a day would lack sufficient detail.
It is this question of the representation of a span of time which is, according to my hypothesis, of primary importance. I have already said as much, but what do I mean by a representation?
An hour is beginning. I could try the plan.
One o'clock, Friday, June 17, 2016, Tempe, Arizona
:00 :05 :10 :15 :20 :25 :30 :35 :40 :45 :50 :55
:00: I watched the clock change from 12s to 1s as I wrote.
:05 Quickly, anything to write now? My mind is gravitating on its own towards the idea of recording what I was doing in the previous hour. But there was a moment when I took a particular action, and before that there were (uncomfortable) thoughts which led me to it. I can say no more here.
Nice enough. I find myself with a pleasantly large expanse of space with which to work. What is this, hypnotism? I have given myself the feeling of having space to work with!
Coming up fast on the next interval. What was I thinking about just now? Oh, got it. This is an absurd interpretation of the purpose - adopted out of desperation, pure and simple - but ... I was going to say it produces a poetic effect ... I think it does, but I don't want to brag - not out of any actual concern to be virtuous, or, if so, that's contemptible, but ... out of a concern that I'll look bad, or be criticized ... but, the other thing is, I feel like it produces a practical effect.
:10: Already well into the interval.
Beginning, at least, another task.
:27: Assembled a ... what shall I call it ... site description ... a location where I'm trying to do an architectural project.