Tuesday, July 5, 2016


business means being busy

i know people who
hate business
spend all their time complaining

and they complain of boredom

i'm a flop, but i don't have that problem
too busy


fail your way to success

it is said that
in business
persistence is a virtue

people tell me again and again to give up
they don't get it

ask and you'll receive
i have taken my ideas to experts quite a few times
they have always told me to take a hike
sure, i'm mad
and they lack imagination
but then again
if my ideas had been formulated right
they would have asked to join my company

they have told me
and it has been said
don't ask other people to build it for you
build it yourself

they have told me
asked me
where's your product?
build something
and i'll talk to you

maybe you've lost your chance
but, too, you're probably right

how can i build this, that, and the other thing?
how can i build a company?
but these, too, are just dreams
how can i build a CAD?

then there's Warren Buffett
his abstract system works really well
it is build upon the idea that
businesses need to make money
making money is an accounting term
if a business fails to make money
it will cease to exist
if it makes money
it will endure
and grow