Saturday, July 2, 2016


Free web hosting. Free isn't not paying, it's a better way to pay. If, in order to pay for a service, a prospective user needs to do all sorts of things, this is less direct than if a prospective user can just ... use the product.

As product developers, we need to trust the user. We need to trust that users will pay. We need to realize that users will happily pay, will want to pay, for the service.

Somehow this is about the online world and not about brick and mortar. Well, it's about media, and not about physical goods. Why would it be about one and not about the other? But, it is.

By creating ways for users to pay us that don't involve the user doing anything ... stopping to do something ... doing something they'd rather not do ... the result will be happy paying users.

The user sees, while using the service, something, and the user says "that's a way to pay, and I love it! I am going to click that right now." Yup, my product, offered here, is even more lovable monetization.