Thursday, September 1, 2016


A usage is the creation of one item of content, or, inclusively the modification of one item of content, or, inclusively, the review of one item of content.

Revenues are proportional to usage, and usage is the product of the number of users and number of usages per user and the quality of a usage. The number of users is the number of Internet users. It will be one source of growth. The other sources of growth will be number of usages and usage quality.

Our product is a reconceptualization of the operating system. Instead of being a system that manages machines, to which we can attach an amorphous cloud of systems that manage content, it will be a system that manages content, with an invisible foundation that manages machines. Our product is a reconceptualization of content. Instead of treating it as a kind of data, where files are in a database, we treat it as geometries. One such geometry is the film strip, and an example that emerges is the screen film, which can be reviewed in the film strip editor.

Being a cashless company means everything has to be done for equity. Our goal is to be worth One Trillion Dollars, so if there are a million shares, each will be worth One Million Dollars.