Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Each of the links (other videos you might be interested in) is a card - like a baseball card, or a Community Chest or Chance card in Monopoly, or any number of other similar things.

In my opinion, the computer user ought to be able to keep these cards, peel them off, as it were, and put them in a stack.

What you do with such a stack is, you put it on a table, and then you pick up a card, study it a bit, and put it on the table by itself. You pick up another card and put it in its own spot on the table. After a while you've got groups of cards spread out on the table. As the space on the table becomes crowded, you start to create new stacks.

Of course, you can go further in different ways. Or, you might wrap up your session, stack all the cards back up - their order has changed a little - is that significant? - and put them back on the shelf again, so to speak. Anyway, it seems like it would be possible to facilitate this kind of thing with software.