Thursday, September 29, 2016


are you well liked?

it's like describing an aura
spread out around you are people who like you and people who don't
is it more the latter or the former
and to what extent
(is it either one)?

square zero is divided into nine squares
0:1 is the top left division
0:2 is the top middle division
0:4 is the middle left division
and so on

function getthenameofthesamesizeadjacentsquareabovethisone(nameofthissquare)

if we know the name of a square we know the name of the square it is a division of

squares 0, 1, 2, ..., infinity are "native".

the name of a native square is a non-negative integer number.

given the name of one of these squares, we know that it is a division of the native square whose name is the the name of the given square plus 1.

a square which is a division of another square is necessarily same size adjacent to, depending on how you define adjacency, at least two but arguably at least three other divisions of the square of which it is a division.

adjacent same size squares of native square n are divisions of native square n + 1.