testing the idea of an image tag in a web page which opens an image on the hard drive of the computer running the browser which is displaying the page.
since initiating the test i've looked (in the course of ten or fifteen minutes) at a whole series of web pages, starting with searches, and without constructing any kind of record of them, beyond my browser history, which i do create just by browsing. so i do have a record of the pages, but it's strictly ephemeral, or that's my opinion, and also not especially accessible.
my - rather vague - thought is ...
well, in general, i want every page i look at to be archived
that sounds simple enough, but of course it's not
i mean, in a technical sense ... it might even be simple enough ... or it might not be
but i mean in a conceptual sense ... what does it even mean?
ultimately, i want my research sessions - my browsing experience - archived
the archive would record ... this is what that means ... what i looked at and how long i looked at it ...
that is to say, when i looked (in the sense "at this moment, i was looking at this")
which is to say ... what is a moment ... it is an interval of time ... a period of time ...
during this period of time, i was looking at this ...
in short, in one sense, i want a movie of my browsing history ...
but that's one layer of meaning
underneath that layer is another which is somewhat more difficult to describe.
as a hint, it's not just what i looked at (or saw)
it's some kind of record of its significance
i have some idea of what that means
but i feel - an appealingly perverse thought -
i don't need to go into that here
the point is, i could just record a movie of my browsing
i have a tool for the purpose, which seems
at a purely technical level
to work well
also at a technical level
it worries me
can i store all that footage?
video is compressed
it records changes
and, in browsing, a lot of the time, there aren't that many changes
right? maybe
but regardless of the technical considerations
conceptually, it seems like a limited solution
it has to be a limited solution
it doesn't address the question of significance
this is related to ...
this means ... in an obscure way ... which is very important ...
but which i won't elaborate on ...
it's not automatic ...
i do have at hand an alternative solution
which does address the question of significance
and which is, in a sense, automatic
but which is very crude
and much more difficult to implement
but not so much so that it can't be implemented
it requires a crude procedure
which is why it's difficult
and it also creates a crude kind of archive
so accessing that archive will be more difficult than in strictly desirable
not the sarcasm
between the two solutions is an array of "coulds"
this could be done, that could be done ... they could also be called shoulds
but, skipping over all of that
i am intent - now - to implement the crude but available solution
so, i looked at a bunch of pages ...
i'm hanging up on the idea that i looked at a bunch of screens
scrolling, then reading
scrolling a little more
reading a little more
i was going to say i have no way to capture that but i just had an idea about it ...
but, i looked at a bunch of pages
and now the last of those is displayed in a tab
so i'm looking at an odd procedure:
i'm going to document that location,
and then i'm going to go back one page ... in the aforementioned history ...
and document that one ...
and eventually i'll get to the original search page
not going well!
randomly recording something:
partial differential equations
where that came from: