There are two ways to interpret the word magic as I'm using it.
One is as an improbable feat. If, say, with only a wave of your hand, you could cause something good to appear, and causing that good thing to appear normally would require ... who knows what, but at least a considerable effort. This is not something I can report having accomplished, in a literal sense, but, as a metaphor, it does describe results I have enjoyed, seemingly as a product of my efforts at magic, which largely consist of the performance of meditations of the sort I've been describing.
The other interpretation, which is a relative of the first one, is the idea that the world is alive and intelligent, so that a person can engage it in conversation, and ask it for things, and it will at least register your concerns and requests, mentally, and perhaps it will respond by fulfilling those requests.
Link: these things come with caveats.