Back to Thinking
If you go back to thinking and follow the organize link from there it's a discussion of trees. Well, in this kind of tree, the kind of tree that this web site is, you move - to move about the tree - from page to page, and each page is a branch from another page. (This tree is being built using a blogging tool. By carefully separating the posts one from another, by, as much as possible, turning off the features that link posts together into what we call a blog, I am making this blog, these posts, into a collection of pages.) Branches are created by putting links on a page. Since, excepting the one page which is the root, each page is a branch, adding a link to a page expands the tree, by expanding that branch. This has the potential to create a vast expanse of what we could call space. It seems to offer space. If I want more space, I can create a new branch.
Of course, with a blog, I can create more space any time, by adding a new post. The advantage of organizing my posts as pages in a tree seems to be that it creates enhanced navigability. If you post and post and post to a blog, earlier posts soon become essentially inaccessible. That might not happen in a tree.
From here I want to link somewhere. A link takes you in a direction. I'm thinking over what direction to move in.
It's a strange idea that writing can solve problems. I mean, it's not so strange to think that writing can solve certain kinds of problems. I guess I'm thinking about the problem of life, the kind of circumstance where life itself is a problem. So, it's a strange idea, but I'm thinking about it.
It looks like this page is going to only have one branch on it. Just thinking about the geometry of trees of this sort, it's somewhat interesting that there can be such pages, single branch pages. They would play a certain role, and it's amusing to think what that role is.