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A superficial definition of the word organize would point to its advantages, such as making a thing orderly - that would be not only a superficial definition but a circular one - or making it accessible, which, in fact, may be the one purpose of organization. Maybe I shouldn't say it's superficial to define something in terms of its purpose, but maybe it is superficial to define a system, say, in terms of its purpose alone. A complete definition ought to talk about it's method, too.
In that case the word organize refers to what we might call making something organic. Maybe these aren't circular definitions. They're ... oh, what's the word? Word origins, you know. And organic means composed of organs, which are what? Functionally autonomous parts?
I suspect that all organization has a single structure: the tree. I'm thinking about how to create a social media product that facilitates organizing thoughts (go back to Thinking and follow the branch to Thoughts) into trees.
Put this way it sounds sort of unoriginal, but what can I do? And I don't see it being done in social media.
I'll put a note on the back buttons here. I'm adding back buttons to these pages - they're posts, but I'm treating them as pages - although (and this is because of the tree architecture) if you start from the original post, the browser back button will work just as well. At any rate, the back direction has a unique meaning in tree architecture, which is sort of a pun, because, from any location in a tree - and this is supremely powerful - I would hazard it is what makes a tree orderly - back takes you, if repeated a sufficient number of times (as necessary), to one (unique) location (: the root).