Friday, August 19, 2016


I wonder if I could create a company without charging money for my product.

Obviously it's a ridiculous idea, but I can't see my way to the alternative, for the life of me ... outside of magic.

So, magic it is!

Maybe I can't charge money but can still do things.

This, however, does suggest the existence of a blue ocean.

If it's hard for me to charge money for something, if I just can't bring myself to do it, it's probably similarly hard for other people - a possibility that is given all sorts of weight by every kind of evidence, to the point where it is self evident that the thing is hard for very large numbers of people; in short, that it is a blue ocean.

I could accuse myself of being not up to the job - a thing which is obviously true - but why would I want to do that? PayPal, GoFundMe, and Plastic are all absolutely fantastic, but they are not addressing my particular needs. Every day I find myself needing something in particular which they do not offer.